Body-related disciplines have been part of my life since childhood. I was a dancer, both as a student and then a teacher, practised rhythmic gymnastics and finally Stott Pilates, which has been the culmination of my physical development.
My body began causing me pain from the age of 20. I decided to stop dancing around the age of 25 (or in any case stop teaching) and this was followed by a period of searching during which I tried my hand at many teaching methods and philosophies, all body related, but each time I felt that I hadn’t found what really mattered.
I discovered Pilates through my travels, mainly in 1999/2000. I had an epiphany, it was at that moment I understood that I wanted to teach it, to athletes and dancers like myself, as well as to people who partake in no sport or very little sport and also to those with bodies in the worst possible shape.
I needed to do my training in England, because I wanted to make a return to my passion, that of teaching others about the body... but it wasn’t to be. I had to wait until 2005 to do my Stott Pilates training in Geneva in French. Stott Pilates is the most contemporary Pilates method adapted to the way our body naturally evolves, which makes it the most suitable for all body types.
It took me around 4 years to assimilate the method. For me, it was inconceivable to teach it without having first felt and experienced it in every sense of the word with my own body! I wanted to put myself to one side so I could give back 100% and see only the body before me.
I have been teaching Stott Pilates full time for 10 years now and this allows me to express my creativity.
My teaching has led me to see my role as that of a mechanic of the human body, testing each group of bones and how the muscles work around it.
We all take our car to be checked and repaired by a mechanic and the same should be true of our body. Our brain - which I compare to the engine of a Ferrari - needs to accept its core strength: the abdomen. It would be a shame to hold onto the exterior of a 2cv, even one that is in good condition. Once body and mind are in alignment, everything runs smoothly!
Rhythm, concentration and taking information on board no longer get in the way of assimilating and performing the exercise.